Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Executive Meeting minutes

National Executive Meeting in Atlanta
March 4, 2011

Attendees:  Gracy Vachachira, Lizy Thottapuram, Jismol Puthussery and Merlin Kallarakanil
President Gracy Vachachira started with a prayer.
We have planned to amend the constitution and the by-laws of KCWFNA as soon as possible.
We also planned to build a website for KCWFNA.
Things to do: We currently have 8 regions. We are going to have a phone conference every 3rd week with the National Executives and all the local WF executives in each region. We will discuss the activities they did and what else they can do. At the end of this year we are planning to gather all 8 regions in one place and have a two day get-together with Seminars that include parent’s role, mother’s role, communication with teenagers and family issues. In the evening we can have cultural programs, socialization, and dinner.
These things must be discussed by each unit and planned accordingly.
Prathiba, our Joint Secretary, could not make it to Atlanta, but we discussed everything with her and she agreed with us. She already gathered almost all the e-mail ID of our NC members except for a few. Good work Prathiba. She is going to make blog, so we all can put comments and ideas in it.
In this report I want to inform to all that KCCNA agreed to give us $5000.00 during the NC meeting held at Atlanta on March 5, 2011.   

Reported by
Lizy Thottapuram
Secretary KCWFNA.